Lee Printing Is The Leading Manufacturer & Distributor for Commercial Printing Such As Catalogues, Brochures, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bus. Cards, Labels, Bus. Forms Etc. |
188 Lee Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211 Tel.: (718) 237-1651 - Fax: (718) 852-1862 |
| Business cards Letterheads Envelopes Presentations Folders Etc.
NCR Forms Paper & Carbon Invoices Statements Purchase orders HCFA Forms Checks Custom forms, Etc.
Catalogues Brochures Flyers Try-fold Sell Sheets Leaflets Literature Postcards, Etc.
| Integrated Labels Tag's Roll labels Sheet labels Etc.
Art Work Designing Logo's Etc. Well create it fine, with creativity & design!
Cube Pad's Pen's Plastic Bags Mouse pads Frisbees Key chains Etc.